Electromagnetic Theory

Preliminary Remarks
“THIS work was originally meant to be a continuation of the series "Electromagnetic Induction and its Propagation," published in The Electrician in 1885-6-7, but left unfinished. Owing, however, to the necessity of much introductory repetition, this plan was at once found to be impracticable, and was, by request, greatly modified. The result is something approaching a connected treatise on electrical theory, though without the strict formality usually associated with a treatise. As critics cannot always find time to read more than the preface, the following remarks may serve to direct their attention to some of the leading points in this volume.”
Electric and Magnetic Force
“Our primary knowledge of electricity, in its quantitative aspect, is founded upon the observation of the mechanical forces experienced by an electrically charged body, by a magnetised body, and by a body supporting electric current.”
– Heaviside, Oliver, 1850-1925
Source: Archive.org