Radiation, Light and Illumination : A Series of Engineering Lectures Delivered at Union College

“THE following lectures were given as a course of instruction to the senior students in electrical engineering at Union University. They are however intended not merely as a text-book of illuminating engineering, nor as a text-book on the physics of light and radiation, but rather as an exposition, to some extent, from the engineering point of view, of that knowledge of light and radiation which every educated man should possess, the engineer as well as the physician or the user of light. For this purpose they are given in such form as to require no special knowledge of mathematics or of engineering, but mathematical formalism has been avoided and the phenomena have been described in plain language, with the exception of Lectures X and XI, which by their nature are somewhat mathematical, and are intended more particularly for the illuminating engineer, but which the general reader may safely omit or merely peruse the text.”
Source: Archive.org