The Other Zapruder Film - The Turn On Elm?
Article Updated on May 9, 2020.
Is This The Other Zapruder Film?
“More recently, several additional witnesses (including Joe O'Donnell, see my essay, "TheMedical Evidence Decoded") have recalled a different film. Three times over 25 years, Rich Della Rosa has seen a different film; he describes this film as high quality and he saw Greer make a wide turn onto Elm Street, an event not seen on the extant film. He also saw the limousine stop briefly on Elm Street, an event not seen today. It is remarkable that William Reymond also saw these same events in the film that he recently saw in France. Finally, Scott Myers has also seen a film that is distinctly different from the extant film and which may have been the same version that Della Rosa (and possibly Reymond) saw. This has led to a peculiar situation, in which a small number of individuals know from personal experience that the extant film has been altered, but devotees of authenticity obviously do not regard these in…” • ”The Zapruder Film Controversy”, Page 34
The Other Zapruder Film - The Turn On Elm?
Compare To The Official Zapruder Film
Look At The Reflections On The Side of The Limousine:
What Do You See?
ZAPRUDER STABILIZED- The famous Zapruder Film
Rich Della Rosa Interview
Rich Dellarosa: The Other Zapruder Film - Black Op Radio 2-26-09
Jim Marrs interview with William Reymond, who claims he saw a different version of the Zapruder film:
The “Other” Zapruder Film
This other Zapruder film does not appear to be from the Secret Service or the FBI reconstructions.
This appears to be from another source. This other Zapruder film clip seems to include more of the motorcade like the official Zapruder film and unlike the two reconstructions from the time period. Is this from a Hollywood production? Or is this evidence that another version of the Zapruder film does exist?
“The Secret Service, FBI and Warren Commission were among the first to roll camera in Dealey Plaza, as they attempted to determine the origin and timing of the shots which killed President Kennedy and wounded Governor Connally. The Secret Service shot a crude recreation in late 1963, as the nation was still reeling from the loss of JFK. While sparse and inaccurate compared with subsequent efforts to recreate the events of November 22nd, the 24 minutes of Black and White footage shot by the Secret Service was the first attempt to use motion pictures to solve the mystery of JFK’s murder.” • Tragedy Restaged
JFK assassination re-enactment ( FBI 1964 )
“In May 1964, as the FBI was helping the Warren Commission gather evidence and testimony to help with their investigation, the government decided to take the Secret Service’s efforts one step further and reenact the assassination with a bit more detail, and for the first time, in color. The FBI re-enactment still had some serious problems, but should be lauded for its attempt to recreate the shooting angles of the various amateur filmmakers who captured the actual event. Abraham Zapruder and Orville Nix captured the assassination sequence from opposite angles of the Plaza, and the 1964 reenactment was shot from their two positions.” • Tragedy Restaged
Kennedy Assassination II
“These two restagings, the first from the television miniseries Kennedy and the other from the television film The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald, are two of the few dramatizations with no clear thesis as to who fired the fatal shots. Kennedy, which features Martin Sheen and Blair Brown as the President and First Lady, focuses on the mayhem which occurred in within the limousine during the shooting, while the restaging from The Trial concentrates on the panic which ensued in the crowd during and after the volley of shots.” • Tragedy Restaged
Kennedy Assassination II – The JFK assassination is re-enacted for television.
The Watchmen Kill JFK Again
“While the graphic novel The Watchmen only briefly mentioned the Kennedy assassination, the film adaptation featured a disturbingly accurate depiction of the assassination sequence, with the fatal shot being fired by “The Comedian” from the grassy knoll.” • Tragedy Restaged
JFK Assassination - scene comparisons
Zapruder Film Recreation @ 2:32
Obviously, this is an example of 20th-century fake news. What is interesting is that the editors of this tabloid chose to go with the concept of the faked death. The internet changed everything. Ideas like this were once very disposable. Now they can live online forever. British Tabloid, Weekly World News front page circa late 20th century..• Google
Assassin’s Bullet Sets Stage For Historic Legislation
“Kennedy’s assassination ended his burgeoning efforts on civil rights, which were buoyed by the work of millions of ordinary Americans, to create a political consensus that recognized black citizenship and racial justice as the key to the nation’s future. Ironically, his sudden death at the hand of an assassin’s bullet set the stage for historic legislation that would expand American democracy – extending the franchise and civil rights of people of color – even as it revealed new depths of division along racial, cultural and political divides.
In a sense, America came undone after the Kennedy assassination and remade itself by accepting some hard truths about its history. The roughest parts of that history could be seen in proliferating civil disorders that critics labeled riots and social justice advocates called rebellions. By decade’s end the forward-looking, handsome and ambitious young president had been replaced, improbably, by the man he defeated in 1960 – Eisenhower’s vice president, Richard Nixon. Nixon won victory on a promise to turn back the clock to a more peaceful domestic era, one ruled by law and order where average Americans felt safe from the anxiety of social unrest. Nixon staked his entire presidency on the reversal of Kennedy’s affirmation that racial justice could not be stopped by police power.” • CNN
Please Click Here For More: JFK Zapruder Hoax - David Mantik Part 1